Fórum Oceano organizes and participates in international missions. These missions are carried out by travelling abroad, or the other way around, also mobilizing its members, or directly representing them.
The missions aim to promote direct contact and business development with international entities from the various sectors of the economy of the Sea.
Lisbon, Portugal | 7 and 8 October 2019
Description: Mission Peru
Organization: Fórum Oceano.
Thematic: Fórum Oceano received the visit of two representatives of DPM Juan Pablo – Desembarcadero Pesquero Multipropósito, from the province of Sechura, in the region of Piura, Peru.
Objective: To make known the dynamics of the Portuguese Sea Cluster and experiences that can be useful for the process of creating a fishing and aquaculture cluster in that region.
Members involved: INESC TEC and ECOMARE.
Porto and Lisbon, Portugal | 13 June 2019
Description: Mission Romania
Organization: Fórum Oceano.
Thematic: Fórum Oceano hosted a delegation from the Western Region of Romania, composed by 15 representatives of the Council and the Regional Development Agency.
Objective: To make known examples and good practices of support to the development of strategic economic sectors.
Members and entities involved: Port of Leixões, CCDR-N, INESC TEC, UPTEC and IAPMEI.
Lisbon, Portugal | may 2019
Description: IACOBUS Programme
Objective: To foster cooperation and exchange between human resources of higher education centres in the Galicia – North Portugal Euroregion.
Organization: Fórum Oceano and INESC TEC.
Action: Throughout two weeks of exchange, María Pérez, collaborator of the CETMAR Foundation – Technological Sea Centre of Galicia, had the opportunity to visit and meet with different stakeholders.
Members and entities involved: INESC TEC, CIIMAR, INEGI, FEUP, School of Biotechnology U. Católica, IPVC, Lankhorsteuronete Portugal, CIM Alto Minho, ANICP and UPTEC.
Lisbon, Portugal | 19 February 2019
Description: The Oceano Forum received the visit of Hugh Dunn, Executive Director of the South Coast Development Partnership (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA).
Context: visit provided following Fórum Oceano participation in Blue Tech Week in San Diego, USA (November, 2018).
Organization B2B Meetings: Port of Leixões, CIIMAR and UPTEC.
Lisbon, Portugal | 22 and 23 March 2018.
Organization: Fórum Oceano and The Maritime Alliance
Institutional Support: Ministry of the Sea
Co-organization and sponsorship: Directorate-General for Sea Policy, Luso-American Development Foundation, Embassy of the United States of America in Lisbon
Organisation of B2B Meetings: Fórum Oceano, Agência Nacional de Inovação and Enterprise Europe Network
» See the presentations:Michael Jones (TMA), Rui Azevedo (Fórum Oceano), Nuno Lúcio (ANI), Miguel Fontoura (AICEP) e Ruben Eiras (DGPM)
» See the list of companies that were part of the North American delegation
Norway | 03 to 06.May.2015
Description: Participation in the Official Visit of His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic to Norway.
Organization: AICEP and the Presidency of the Republic.
Thematic: Marine Biotechnologies and Technological Innovation.
Province of Cadiz, Spain | 28-30.04.2015
Description: Participation in the “European Forum for Innovation in the Marine BioResources AtlanticBlueTech Project – Final Event” and visits to companies and R&D centres.
Organization: Fórum Oceano, Atlantic Blue Tech Project and CEEI Bahía de Cádiz.
Themes: Marine Biotechnologies.
Members present: Algaplus, CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre for Marine and Environmental Research, 3B’s Research Group from the University of Minho, University of Porto through the OCEANUS competence centre, Marine Research & Innovation, and University of Aveiro.
Lima, Peru | 02 to 05.March.2015
Description: Participation in the international seminar “Cooperación transfronteriza para la innovación” and bilateral meetings.
Organization: Association of European Border Regions, within the framework of cooperation between the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Union (within the “EULAC-EUREGIO (CBRIS)” project).
Thematic: Aquaculture and fishing.
Participating members: INEGI, INESC-TEC and Soja de Portugal.
Brest, France | 14 and 15 October 2014
Description: Participation in the Atlantic Blue Tech Project meetings and the “Sea Tech Week”.
Organization: Fórum Oceano and Atlantic Blue Tech Project. Themes: Marine Biotechnologies.
Members present: Algaplus and Aveiro University.
Leça da Palmeira, Portugal | 09 September 2014
Description: Reception of a Peruvian and Brazilian delegation visiting Portugal.
Organization: Fórum Oceano, under the project “EULAC-EUREGIO (CBRIS): Cooperación UE-América Latina sobre Sistemas Regionales e Innovación Transfronterizos en el marco de la Política Regional”.
Thematic: Aquaculture. Members present: INEGI, INESC-TEC, Soja de Portugal and University of Porto through the Competence Centre OCEANUS, Marine Research & Innovation.
» See the mission summary, programme and list of participants.
North and Centre, Portugal | 26 and 27 February 2014
Description: Reception of a Chilean delegation, from the region of Los Lagos, visiting Portugal, with visits to associates and partners.
Organization: Fórum Oceano, by request of the Gobierno Regional de Los Lagos (Chile) and the company INFYDE ID.
Themes: Aquaculture, Marine Biotechnology and Management of Regions.
Associates involved: Algaplus, CIIMAR, INESC-TEC, IPVC and University of Aveiro.
Partners involved: CCDR-N and Ilha dos Puxadoiros.
Brest, France | 21 to 24 October 2013
Description: Visit to Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique and associates.
Organization: Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique and Fórum Oceano.
Themes: Aquaculture, Marine Biotechnology, Marine Energies and Naval Industries.
Participating members: Algaplus, CIIMAR, INEGI and IPL.
Helsinki, Finland | 09 February 2012
Title: Participation in the Official Visit of His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic to Finland.
Organization: Presidency of the Finnish Republic.
Themes: General (meeting with the managers of the Maritime Cluster of Finland).