The BTL – Lisbon Tourism Fair took place between 16 and 20 March at FIL in Lisbon. The Nautical Stations were represented with dedicated presentations at the stands of the Regional Tourism Authorities. In addition, on 17 March, the national session of the Nautical Portugal Route took place, which was attended by the Minister for Territorial Cohesion, Ana Abrunhosa. It was during this moment that not only 4 more Nautical Stations were certified, but also the Maritime Route of Santiago was presented.

The Nautical Portugal brand represents great value for the territory and is an instrument of cohesion. It is with great appreciation that I see this network of Nautical Stations also growing towards the interior. This is how we value the best that our people have. This is social cohesion and territorial cohesion”, said the Minister. About the Maritime Way of Santiago, she added that it is “an example of how we can recover History with modernity”.

Ana Abrunhosa, Minister for Territorial Cohesion

The Nautical Stations of Portugal are an important partner for the sustainability of the tourism activity, with the dynamization of territories that lacked infrastructures.

Rita Marques, Secretary of State for Tourism